Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Narrowly avoiding disaster

Early morning. A couple enters their two car garage, where someone has left the door open.

Me: Why is the door open?
Josh: I must have left it open when I put out the trash last night.
Me: How could you?! Someone could have stolen our car!
Josh: How could someone steal the car? Did you leave your keys in it?
Me: No, but we left it unlocked. Someone could have hotwired it. You know, our elderly Polish neighbors and their mad hotwiring skills.
Josh: Someone could have come in and stolen your dad's old TV Guide collection.
Me: Someone could have stolen the pee chair.*
Josh: Oh, thank God the pee chair is safe.

The End

* The pee chair is our object lesson in thoroughly examining items for sale on Craigslist BEFORE handing over cash and driving off with said item.

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